By Kate Hale Illustrated by Andy Smith
Welcome to FACTopia! A wonderland of crazily connected facts.
Did you know that a squid has a brain shaped like a doughnut? Or that some butterflies drink turtle tears? Every Britannica-verified fact in the book is connected to the next in an ingenious trail of information. Hop from topic to topic in unexpected and hilarious ways, and discover extraordinary facts about space, bones, dinosaurs, goats, spiders, crocodiles, sharks, robots, Ancient Rome, kings and queens, pharaohs, and more.
But there's not just one trail through these pages: sometimes your path branches and you can choose to jump to a totally different (but still connected) part of the book. Discover where your curiosity will take you! This wittily illustrated book is the perfect gift to inspire and delight curious kids.
By Danielle Deal
"This book has taught my little so much and every day they go to school knowing more and more to impress their teacher with. Love this book!"
By Jeanne
"Who doesn't like to read fun and little known facts--let alone 400 facts that tie together successively! Children will love this book and love sharing these curious, intriguing, and amazing facts. The cover says that all facts are verifed by Brittanica. Among them: "the rings on an adult mountain goat's horns tell how old it is." Or what's the oldest rock humans eat? I can see my nephews having a lot of fun with this book. I actually bought five, one for each of the children to whom I give birthday and Christmas gifts. Edcuation and fun--the best way to learn--in the land of Factopia!"