Lama Andari

Lama is an unwavering advocate for kids battling cancer and plays an active role in raising awareness of childhood cancer and the importance of mental health. After her son was diagnosed with cancer, she witnessed first-hand the awe-inspiring resilience, determination and bravery of her own child and of other pediatric cancer patients. She believes these children are true superheroes.

This inspired her to author a children’s book entitled 'Super Kids' and to found Abtaluna, a Dubai-based social enterprise whose name means 'Our Superheroes' in Arabic. Abtaluna is a community for families whose children are fighting cancer and strives to raise awareness of pediatric cancer. Through her partnerships, parents, children affected by cancer, as well as their siblings can benefit from free mental health support from psychologists and therapists. She is also working on creating the first platform in the Middle East dedicated to parents’ health and childhood cancer.

Lama holds a Master's degree in International Social and Economic Development from the University of Melbourne and has over a decade of experience managing projects and advising governments and philanthropies on community development and education pathways.

An Australian Lebanese living in Dubai for over a decade, Lama invites the community, in particular, parents to learn altogether about childhood cancer, the signs and symptoms to look out for, and how we can support children and families on this journey.