By Anna Milbourne Illustrated by Asa Gilland
Being kind is super important, but it isn't always easy. Using a goodhearted, enthusiastic little boy's perspective, a lot of sensitivity and a little gentle humour, this story explores the potential pitfalls of trying to be kind, and what being kind really means. To be truly kind, it turns out, you have to try to look at things from other people's points of view. Delicate laser cut holes accumulate as the pages are turned to show how kindness feels and how it can spread from person to person.
By Magaliposey
"I am a mental health counselor. This book and the others in the series have been a must in teaching brain functioning, and concepts such as kindness. Other books from same author addresses fear of dark, fear of being alone etc… Definitely a must in a therapist’s office. I also read this book to my grandkids and they liked it a lot! I use this book for ages 6 and up ! Kids really get into it !"
By Nicole and Bryce
"This book is excellent. A superb addition to any library. I love how it explains perspective and kindness and why our efforts might not be received the way we intended."