الغلاف: الغلاف والداخل كرتوني
كتابة: فاطمة شرف الدين
رسوم: لينا مرهج, مايا شامي
حصلت ياسمينا على حذاء جديد أحبته كثيرًا. لكنها سرعان ما تعبت من مناداة أمها لمساعدتها في ربطه، فقررت أن تتعلم ربطه بنفسها. وكم وجدت ذلك سهلاً. في الكتاب وصف لربط الحذاء بكل مراحله.
Board Book
Author: Fatima Sharaf Aldin
Illustrations: Lina Marhaj & Maya Shami
Yasmina received a new pair of shoes that she loved very much. However, she quickly grew tired of calling her mother for help with tying them, so she decided to learn how to do it herself. To her surprise, she found it quite easy! The book describes the process of tying shoes step by step, making it accessible for young readers. This not only empowers children to master a valuable skill but also encourages their independence and confidence as they learn to do things on their own